This document is intended to explain the types of integrations provided by Qualyteam and what is required by the customer to enable the functionality.

Currently there are 2 types as described below.

Type 1: AD Integration via HTTP

For this option, the Customer will have to create two pages that Qualyteam will access. One of them containing the Name, Email and Email of the Users' Line Manager, as shown in the example below.

And the other is an authentication-only page. When entering the username and password, this data will be sent to this second page which will return whether the data is correct or not.

Settings for integration

To proceed with this integration, we will need some definitions from the customer's IT:

The login and password to access the page that returns users, as it is the IT who creates this restriction to the access link. If there's no restriction to access this page, login and password are not required;

The default user role that new users on the list will be once they are automatically registered by the integration. This user role must first be registered in Qualyteam's system by you before the integration is configured;

The parameters used to authenticate the user, this must return true or false, in order to confirm the user's login to the system, these parameters are defined by your IT team when they create the second page (authentication);

Define one user who will be responsible for deciding the substitute for users who are inactivated by the AD integration routine and that don't have a Line manager to be their substitute in the system's pending activities;

Default branch office that new users on the list will be in as soon as they are automatically registered by the integration, this branch office must be registered in Qualyteam's system by you before the AD integration is configured;

URL used as a basis for login integration and authentication, defined by your IT team;

The parameters used to return the user list, these are defined by your IT team. If the link returns users directly, they will not need any parameters or could be, for example, resource=list;

Time the integration will be performed (can be multiple times a day, 24h format).

Type 2: AD Integration via IP (Server)

For this type, the Customer only needs to inform the IP of the server that has the AD, login and password to access it. This type of integration will not integrate the user's Line manager.

Settings for integration

To proceed with this integration, we will need some definitions from the customer's IT:

The login and password to access the server that allows accessing the data that the AD has;

The default user role that new users on the list will be as soon as they are automatically registered by the integration, this user role must be registered in the system by you before the integration is configured;

Parameters that return from the AD server a list of AD users only, for example using the condition (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person));

Define one user who will be responsible for deciding the substitute for users who are inactivated by the AD integration routine and that don't have an immediate Line manager to be their substitute in the system's pending activities;

Default branch office that new users on the list will be in as soon as they are automatically registered by the integration, this branch office must be registered in Qualyteam's system by you before the AD integration is configured;

IP of the server that has the AD, login and password to access it, in order to authenticate and integrate users, using the LDAP standard;

Time the integration will be performed (can be multiple times a day, 24h format).